The Arbitration Council Foundation and Secretariat of Arbitration Council joining the 16 days campaign to eliminate all forms of Gender-Based Violent against Women and Girl.
The Arbitration Council Foundation and Secretariat of Arbitration Council joining the 16 days campaign to eliminate all forms of Gender-Based Violent against Women and Girl.
Phnom Penh: On 24th November 2023, the Arbitration Council Foundation continues its In-house Training and Mentoring Program on “Communications for Negotiation” for 16 ACF staff (9 women) and 2 SAC officials (01 women). The training …Read More>>>
Kampong Speu: On November 22, 2023, the Arbitration Council Foundation continues its collaboration with Peninsula Apparel International Limited to conduct training module IV on “Workplace Conflict Management” to 13 employer representatives, union leaders, and worker …Read More>>>
Kandal: On 21st November 2023, the Arbitration Council Foundation continues its collaboration with Hoplok (Cambodia) to conduct module III training on “Communications for Negotiation” for 10 participants (5 women) who are the representatives of employer …Read More>>>
Phnom Penh: On 17th November 2023, the Arbitration Council Foundation continues its In-house Training and Mentoring Program on “Workplace Cooperation Mechanism” for 16 ACF staff (9 women) and 2 SAC officials (01 women). The training …Read More>>>
Kandal: On 15th November 2023, the Arbitration Council Foundation continues its collaboration with Starlight Apparel to conduct module III training on “Communications for Negotiation” for 20 participants (1 woman) who are the representatives of employer …Read More>>>
Kandal: On 10th November 2023, the Arbitration Council Foundation continues its collaboration with Grace Glory Cambodia to conduct module III training on “Communication for Negotiation” for 12 participants (5 women) who are the representatives of …Read More>>>
Kampong Chhnang: On November 8, 2023, the Arbitration Council Foundation continues its collaboration with CAN SPORT SHOES to conduct training module IV on “Workplace Conflict Management” to 29 Employer representatives, union leaders, and worker representatives …Read More>>>
Kandal: On November 3, 2023, the Arbitration Council Foundation continues its collaboration with IK Apparel to conduct training module IV on “Workplace Conflict Management” to 18 Employer representatives, union leaders, and worker representatives (10 women). …Read More>>>
Kampong Chhnang: On 01 November 2023, the Arbitration Council Foundation in collaboration with Department of Labour, Vocational and Training in Kampong Chhnang province had conducted a training on “AC Process and Case Preparation Techniques” for …Read More>>>
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