On 13 December 2021, The Arbitration Council Foundation in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour Vocational Training (MoLVT) and the International Labour Organization organized the Tripartite Forum on the Future of Labour Dispute Settlement by the Arbitration Council at Raffle Le Royal Hotel, Phnom Penh. The Forum was participated by key stakeholders of the industrial relations, including the representatives from the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, trade unions, employers’ associations, and brands as well as the arbitrators and development partners.
In the Forum, stakeholders have acknowledged the achievements and credibility of the Arbitration Council in effectively handling the collective dispute resolutions and contributing to promoting harmonious industrial relations in Cambodia in the past 18 years.
Significantly, the Forum has provided a dialogue platform, where stakeholders discussed the three key thematic issues such as (1) Enhanced the Arbitration Council and the Foundation human resources, including training and recruitment of new Arbitrators, (2) Well planned AC for individual dispute resolution, and (3) Better parties’ access to the AC jurisdiction.
At the end of the forum, the tripartite stakeholders demonstrated the joint commitments to support the sustainability of the Arbitration Council and continue to discuss the procedure for individual dispute resolution and the recruitment of the new arbitrators.