Arbitrator MAR Samborana
Current position: Attorney at Law, member of Bar Association of Kingdom of Cambodia; Managing Partner of MAR & Associates Law Firm and member of One Asia Lawyers; Advisor of Ministry of Interior and Deputy Chief of Avatar Notary Public.
Background: He had been acting as a vice chairman of the Legislation Council of the Ministry of Interior for more than 10 years and now has been appointed to be Advisor of the Ministry of Interior for the last 2 mandates (2013-2018 & 2018-2023). He had been serving as a board member of the Arbitration Council Foundation for labor disputes resolution for 8 years. Moreover, he has worked as a senior associate of a major national and international consulting firm namely Tilleke & Gibbins and Associates, Sciaroni & Associates and lastly R&T Sok & Heng Law office for more than 12 years.
– Master of Science in Engineering, Engineer in Electro Mechanic in Ship from Naval Red College, USSR
– LL.M. from Build Bright University, Cambodia
– LL.B. from Royal University of Law and Economic, Cambodia
Languages: Khmer, English and Russian (Fluent)