Kampong Chhnang: On November 8, 2023, the Arbitration Council Foundation continues its collaboration with CAN SPORT SHOES to conduct training module IV on “Workplace Conflict Management” to 29 Employer representatives, union leaders, and worker representatives (15 women).
The session focuses on 1) source of conflict, 2) cycle of conflict and conflict analysis tools, and 3) action planning to manage conflict in the workplace.
All participants have discussed in detail the source of conflict, cycle of conflict and conflict analysis tools, and key points for action planning to manage conflict in the workplace. By the end of the training, all participants have developed an action plan to prevent and response to all conflict happening in workplace which illustrated specific responsible person.
The Arbitration Council Foundation has delivered the certificate of completion to all participants who have successfully completed 4 training modules in Dispute Prevention and Resolution Program (DPRP).