On 14 September, the Arbitration Council Foundation (ACF) in collaboration with the Cambodian Mekong University organized a virtual workshop on Labour Dispute Resolution Process, the Arbitration Council, and the Court, participated by 62 law students from the law faculty of the university. The workshop aimed at improving the knowledge and understanding of students on the procedure of the collective labour dispute resolution, the arbitration process, and the relation between the arbitration council and the court, which is significant knowledge for law students and law practitioners.
The workshop was presided over by Mr. Men Nimmith, Executive Director of the ACF, and Mr. Kay Rithy, Vice-Rector of the university. Furthermore, the sessions of the workshop were facilitated by Mrs. An Vireak, an arbitrator of the Arbitration Council (AC).
The workshop sessions specifically discussed and focused on 1). Alternative collective labour dispute resolution, 2). Types of labour disputes, 3). Labour disputes resolutions procedures, 4). the Procedure and criteria for arbitrator selection, and 5). the Relation between the arbitration council and the court.
In the opening session, Mr. Kay Rithy stated that every year the University cooperates with the Arbitration Council Foundation to organize the workshop on this topic for law students. He added that the workshop is very important not only for law students who will take up the legal profession in the future work, but it is necessary for everyone as we can use the knowledge we learnt today to guide and facilitate for the alternative disputes resolution process whenever the dispute happens in our workplace.
The participants actively participated in the workshop. Interactive questions were on the key concepts of each training topic, these include the resolution of non-consolidated issues, the dispute resolution based on contract, collective bargaining agreement and the law, and the foundation in considering and refusing to consider the claims of disputing parties as well as the procedure to appeal the AC’s award.
The ACF is thrilled on the good collaboration with the Cambodian Mekong University and ACF is keen to have further cooperation with the university in organizing the workshop in person when the COVID-19 subsides.