These materials assist parties to prepare for conciliation and arbitration hearings to settle labour disputes before the Arbitration Council. This information is not legal advice and is not to be taken as the authoritative view of the Arbitration Council on any matter, however, reading and understanding this information is fundamental to resolving labour disputes peacefully and ensuring a stable employment relationship between the parties.

The ‘Guide to Case Preparation for Arbitration Council Hearing’ gives an overall outline of the steps to prepare for all proceedings to settle disputes at the Arbitration Council. Six specific forms have also been developed to assist in preparation for particular labour dispute claims including: Demand to Dismiss or Transfer Another Employee, Past Practice, Piece Rate, Reinstatement, Representation and Work Suspension.

Further information is in the booklets ‘The Arbitration Council: Questions and Answers’ and ‘The Arbitration Council and the Process for Labour Dispute Resolution in Cambodia’. These and other publications are available at the Secretariat of the Arbitration Council.

Parties should also consult the Labour Law (1997) and regulations, including the Prakas on the Arbitration Council No. 99 dated 21 April 2004.