Ms. HUY Sambath

Senior Legal Officer 

Ms. Huy Sambath serves as Senior Legal Officer in Legal Services Department (LSD) of Arbitration Council Foundation (ACF). She works closely with the Arbitration Council (AC) in terms of technical support to Arbitrator Panel of labour dispute cases. Sambath also works on legal research tools and systems to support the AC; develops and conducts training for employers, employees, and other stakeholders; carries out general programme activities of LSD, and actively participates with Executive Management Team (EMT) in strategic planning and activities to promote the sustainability of the AC and ACF.

Before joining with ACF, Sambath has worked in a local Human Rights Organization for five years in various projects as an officer.

Sambath has finished bachelor’s degree in law at the University of Cambodia and now she is pursuing her master’s degree in law with English Language Based Master Program at Royal University of Laws and Economics, Cambodia.