Phnom Penh: On 12th August 2023, the Arbitration Council organized the 2nd Regular Arbitrator Meeting (RAM) in 2023 at Baitong Hotel & Resort Phnom Penh which physically and virtually participated by 15 Arbitrators (3 women) and 1 SAC chief and 9 ACF staff (6 women) from legal service department and training and communication department.
Four key agendas of the meeting is presented and discussed as follows:
1. Updating dispute case registered at the AC by July 2023
2. Updating the progress from the 1st RAM meeting, presenting draft report to MoLVT on Individual Dispute Resolution (IDR), and Professional development plan for Arbitrator on IDR
3. Case law related to Termination of Contract settled by the AC and compilation of cases from ILO Administrative Tribunal and
4. Sharing the ILO convention #158 related to Termination of Contract in comparison to Cambodia law and regulation, and staff internal rules
The meeting joyfully ended on the same day.