Phnom Penh: On 20th July 2024, the Arbitration Council organized the 2nd Regular Arbitrator Meeting (RAM) in 2024 at Fairfield by Marriyott Phnom Penh which participated physically and virtually by 15 Arbitrators (4 women), 3 Secretariate of Arbitration Council Officials (1 woman), and 9 ACF Executive Management Team (4 women).
The meeting was presented and discussed on 6 key agenda as follows:
1. Updating dispute case registered at the AC by June 2024
2. Proposed structure of the AC institution, status of the organizational chart and ToRs
3. AC office relocation plan at NSFF building
4. Funding status and model for the AC funding sustainability
5. Possible continued collaboration with National Labour Institute, MoLVT for the AC recruitment and professional development
6. AC partnership and cooperation with national and international partners
The meeting ended friendly and joyfully on the same day.