Takeo: Thursday, October 26, 2023 The Foundation of the Council of Arbitration cooperated with the Takeo Provincial Office of Labor and Vocational Training to organize a training session on “Procedure for handling the labor disputes by the Council of Judges and Techniques in Preparing a Case” to the unions, staff representatives, staff from factory enterprises and officials from the Ministry of Labor and Vocals of Takeo Province who attended the seminar. M total of 26 people (13 women).
The training session includes presentations by Justice Ing Sothi, Mr. Pen Sawat, Chief Secretariat of the Council of Arbitration and Ms. Huy Sambath, Senior Legal Services Officer of the Council of Judges Foundation.
Through this workshop, participants will gain practical knowledge and experience in handling collective labor disputes, as well as key techniques for case preparation and presenting cases at the arbitration council.
Takeo: October 26, 2023, the Arbitration Council Foundation collaborated with Department of Labour, Vocational and Training in Takeo had conducted a training on “AC process and Case Preparation Techniques” for union representatives, shop stewards, staff from factories, and DoLVT officials in Takeo Province, 28 participants were joint, including 13 women.
This training was presented by Arbitrator Ing Sothy, Mr. Pen Savath, Head of Secretariat of Arbitration Council and Ms. Huy Sambath, Senior Legal Officer of Arbitration Council Foundation.
Participants gained their knowledge and experiences related to collective dispute, case preparation technique and findings at Arbitration Council.